Tetanus immune globulin is used to Prophylaxis of tetanus-prone wounds. It provide passive immunization against infection caused by Clostridium tetani.
Mechanism of action:
Tetanus immune globulin works by giving your body the antibodies it needs to protect it against tetanus infection. It lasts long enough to protect your body until your body can produce its own antibodies against tetanus.
Tetanus immunoglobulin (TIG) is given as prophylaxis to persons:
Wounds or burns that need surgery, but where surgery can't be performed within 24 hours
At risk with infected wounds, a significant amount of tissue has been removed
Wounds contaminated with soil or mud, more than six hours old
Deep or puncture-type injuries such as animal bites, particularly if they have had contact with soil or manure.
No prior tetanus immunization or, incomplete primary course or Unknown immunization status